To manage your employees, go to the Settings > Employees page.
To add a new employee click the Add Employee button.
To delete an employee, click the red bin icon on the right, opposite their name.
Deleted employees can be restored by following these steps.
To edit an employee click on their name, this will open a new window with 3 tabs.
Employee Profile
The profile tab contains key information about the employee. All fields are optional except for the first and last name of the employee.
- Title / First Name / Last Name of the employee.
- Date of birth - Entering a date of birth here will mean colleagues receive reminders about their birthday in the Next 7 Days report in the Summary screen, the mobile app, email summary reports and the Slack report. Leave Dates does not show the year of birth to non-admin users. The employee has the option to hide their birthday from other users in their profile.
- Email - This will be the email address used by the employee to log in to Leave Dates. Employees without email addresses cannot log in but can still have their time off managed by an admin user or approver. Once an employee is saved with an email address, an option to invite will appear. No invitation will be sent until this is clicked.
- Department - Select the relevant department. More info
- Employee Code - The internal company code for this employee (optional).
- Approver(s) - Select from a list of approvers. More info
- Notify - Select additional non-approvers to be notified about leave requests. More info
- Start date - This is the date on which the employee started with the company. The employee will not see calendars before this date, and if the start date is within an active calendar then the admin user will see an option to prorate allowances for the year.
- Align leave year to start date - Used in companies where each employee has a different leave year based on their start date. More info
- End date - This is the date on which the employee left the company. The employee will not see calendars before this date, and if the end date is within an active calendar then the admin user will see an option to prorate allowances for the year.
- Timezone - The timezone of the employee. By default, this will be set to your timezone.
- Public Holidays - Select the location used for public holidays. More info
- Allowance Unit - Whether the employee takes leave in days or hours.
- This person can see - Controls who employees can see in the wall chart. Setting this for an employee overrides what has been set for their department. More info
- Roles - The permissions given to this employee in the system. More info
After making changes, click the Save Profile button.
Working schedule
Leave Dates allows you to define a working schedule for the company and override it for individual employees.
To set a working schedule for an employee, click the SCHEDULE tab within the Settings > Employees page. Specify their contracted hours (hours per working day) and their standard hours.
Use the tick boxes to specify whether employees work the morning or afternoon sessions (or both).
Click the Save Schedule button to save changes.
- It is important that the total number of hours in their day equals the Hours per working day given.
- It is recommended to split the hours evenly across the morning and afternoon sessions.
- To save time entering schedule information, use the copy button that appears when you hover over the schedule (shown below). Click this icon to apply the same times to the other ticked days.
Leave allowances
The types of allowance offered by your company should first be defined in the Settings > Allowances page.
Allowances are then assigned to each employee in the ALLOWANCES tab of the employee record (in the Settings > Employees page).
To amend employee allowances
- Select the calendar using the dropdown
- Click into the grey boxes to modify allowances and press the tick icon to save changes.
For more information about managing employee allowances, read the full guide on Assigning Allowances to Employees
Further reading
- Managing time off in lieu (TOIL) is covered in this guide - Time off in Lieu (TOIL)
- Setting up carry-over is covered in this guide - Carrying over unused allowances to next year