If your company has a limit on the number of days (or hours) which can be booked off in a year, this should be configured as an allowance. Typical examples of allowances are:
"We're allowed 20 days of annual leave per year"
"The company allows up to 5 paid sick days per year"
This article gives step-by-step instructions on configuring leave allowances.
- Go to the Settings > Allowances page to view the allowance configuration.
- Click the button to add a new allowance or click the icons to edit/delete an existing allowance.
In these steps, we will edit an existing allowance. - Click on the pencil icon to edit the Annual Leave allowance. A popup will appear as shown below.
- The screenshot above shows 2 policies - Annual Allowance and Carry Over. It means that the default allowed annual leave is based on a "per year" allowance (20 days) and some "carry over".
- To edit any of this information, click the pencil icon to the right of each section.
- In edit mode, the configuration of the "Annual allowance" policy becomes editable (shown above).
Name: A descriptive name of the policy
Policy: The type of policy.
1. "Set amount per year" - For specifying annual allowances
2. "Carry over unused allowance" - For specifying whether any unused allowance should carry over into the following year. - For a "Set amount per year" policy such as this, the default annual allowance (in days) is also editable. This is given to all new employees but can also be modified for individual employees in the Settings > Employees page under the ALLOWANCES tab of an employee.
- The "Allowance for new calendars" option specifies what happens to an employee's allowance at the start of each leave year. To explain what this means, here is a scenario.
"The default allowance is 20 days, but an employee Steve was given 23 days for the year 2021."
- Copy from previous year - In 2022, Steve would receive 23 days allowance because it has been copied from 2021.
- Reset to default allowance - In 2022, Steve would receive 20 days allowance because it has been reset back to the default for the company.
- Editing a "Carry over unused allowance" policy also shows additional options. Further explanation for these is given in this article - Setting up a carry over policy
Policies add together to form the total allowance
Leave Dates allows you to have multiple policies which add up to the overall allowance.
In the above example, the Annual Leave Allowance is calculated as:
Annual Leave = Annual allowance + Carry over
Multiple policies add together to form the total allowance, for example:
Annual Leave = Annual allowance + Birthday leave + Purchased leave + Long service + Carry over
Why is leave not deducting from an allowance?
If you are finding that leave is not deducting from an allowance, please see this article - Why is leave not deducting from the allowance?
- After configuring the allowances, the next step is to set up leave types.
- Each leave type can either deduct or not deduct from an allowance.
- Leave types that deduct from an allowance have a limit on how many days (or hours) can be requested.
- Leave types that don't deduct from an allowance have no limit on how many days (or hours) can be requested.