To request overtime, go to the My Year page and click Book.
A request form will slide across with tabs to request leave and overtime.
Select the second tab Request Overtime
If this tab is not displayed for you then contact your company administrator so they can check the overtime setup.
The request form has a number of fields to complete:
Team member (admin/approver only)
Most users will not see this field.
Approvers and admins can use this field to select who the request is for. It is possible to award TOIL to multiple people by selecting them from the list.
This is the date(s) on which TOIL was earned. TOIL is awarded to the year in which it was earned. If you wish the TOIL to be awarded to a different year, for example, when working over Christmas/New Year, then select a date in the following year to ensure the employee gets the allowance added to the correct leave year.
To select the dates, click in the field and a picker will appear. Click once to select the first date of overtime, and click again to select the final date of overtime. For a single day of overtime, click on the same date twice.
Add the reason why the TOIL was earned.
Attachments (optional)
Add any attachments to support the request.
Overtime details
Assign the amount of TOIL to be awarded for each date.
Use the dropdown to select whether to award TOIL in days or hours.
If one day of TOIL has been earned, enter 1 and select Days.
Double time? If a day was worked, but double time is awarded, enter 2 for the amount. The amount is what is awarded to the employee, rather than what was worked.
Allowance Summary
The allowance summary shows the employee's current remaining allowance and the impact of the request. Overtime requests add to an employee's allowance, so the request will cause the new allowance to be higher than the current allowance.
When you are ready, click Send Request
How TOIL impacts the allowance
TOIL requests will only increase the allowance once they are approved by a manager.
After approval, the TOIL will be shown in the total allowance calculation on the My Year page, as shown below.