To set up your profile, click on your picture in the top right corner of the screen.
Then click Manage.
There are various settings that you can configure:
Personal Details
Change how your name is displayed in the system and the email address used for logging in.
Simply change the information and press the Save button.
Profile Picture
Your profile picture on Leave Dates is so important.
It helps your team to understand your availability and makes managing time off a much more personal and enjoyable experience for everyone. Click Upload to upload a photo to use as your picture.
Change Password
To keep your password secure, we recommend you reset your password from time to time.
Leave Dates displays an indication of password strength whilst entering the new password. It is good practice always to use strong passwords and not repeat them across multiple sites.
If you have forgotten your current password or cannot log in, please follow the steps in this guide - Forgotten password
Notification Settings
Leave Dates will send you notifications to keep you informed about new requests, comments and approvals. You can configure whether to receive these notifications by email. Notifications will always be sent as push notifications to the mobile app and to the website.
Use the toggle buttons to receive a daily and weekly summary report by email. Learn more
If you use Slack then you can receive a daily summary report in a channel of your choosing. Learn more
Date/Time Settings
Set your preferences for how to view dates and times.
If you would prefer your colleagues not to know when your birthday is, untick the option to share your birthday. Otherwise, we will place a little cupcake on the Wall Chart so everyone can make a fuss of you!
When requesting time off, you have the option of marking it as private so teammates can't see the type of leave you are taking. If you prefer to have this set by default then you can tick this option here. Learn more
Display Settings
Turn on this setting to increase the colour contrast of the Wall Chart and other screens for easier viewing.
Delete Account
If you decide that Leave Dates isn't for you then you can delete your account and all associated personal data. Accounts cannot be recreated after being deleted. Learn more