If you forget your password you can easily reset it using the steps below.
- Visit the following page:
https://app.leavedates.com/forgot-password - Enter the email address you use for Leave Dates and click Submit.
- Within 5 minutes you will receive an email with a special password reset link.
- Click this link and fill in your email and new password:
Having difficulties?
If you get an 'Invalid Token' error when resetting your password, there are 3 possible reasons for this:
- There is a typo in the email address, please check this carefully.
- You have requested multiple password reset emails and not clicked the link in the latest one. The link is different in each email we send and only the latest one is valid.
- Too much time has passed between asking for the reset email and clicking the link. The password reset link is only valid for 4 hours after requesting it.